TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Antilock light on and no LED codes continued
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Subject Antilock light on and no LED codes continued
Posted by Da Flash on August 28, 2014 at 5:09 PM
  This message has been viewed 550 times.
Message I had a thread going a few weeks ago.

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The issue is that my antilock dash light comes on immediately after starting the car and, doesn't go out until I turn the car off. I've removed the ABS control box so that I can see the LED but, it doesn't flash. Ive pulled the alternator am checked for continuity between the R/W wire on there isn't continuity between the alt wire and the fuse box. So now the questions;

1. Is there more than one ABS/Antilock fuse??
2. Where does the alternator harness tie into the body harness??
3. Where should I go from here??

I've owned the car for over 4 years and this issue was with the car when I bought it, it doesn't appear to affect the brakes but, it is an annoyance!!

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